update on me..
newly acquired taste: olives, beer, pho (pronounced 'fer'), salad. papaya with lime, avocado in all forms.
new obsessions: whitening products, dresses, diamonds, jade, soft shell crab curry, leafy sea dragons, cuttlefishes, albino lions, the sky.
new skills acquired: driving over the kerb, sushi making, profound ability to be antisocial when i do not feel like mixing, and not feel guilty about it.
new knowledge: some people just cannot take 'no' for an answer, sea urchins are mildy poisonous and they move quite fast.
new goal in life: to be joyful in all circumstances, be humble, non-judgemental, gentle, supportive, to have a closer relationship with god, and YET, refrain from being an irritating, self-righteous, pompous christian. God help me. and please shoot me if i ever become one.